Meet Dr. Ragsdale

Dr. Matthew Ragsdale, DO

A DO these days it’s more similar to an MD then is was in then the early days. We started out right after the Civil War. Dr. Andrew Still started in Kirksville Missouri and they started doing really some manipulation and different things they were big on helping flu victims early on and as it grew through the years they continue doing the manipulatory techniques were they are able to learn a lot of manipulation during DO medical school but as its transition is become the same training as MD’s get plus some of that manipulation.

I am originally from Indiana. Growing up my dad said engineering professor and we ended up at the University of Missouri in Columbia and I ended up going to med school in Kansas City and going to the DO school there which is the second oldest one been around since 1917. And then ended up in last two years Med school rotations in Detroit and did my internship, my residency, and my fellowship, spent eight years in the Detroit area doing all my special training. I was in high school I played football and I was an All American Football player in high school. I always hated when I would hurt somebody and I always wanted to know how to fix him. And there was a really nice orthopedic surgeon that took care of our football team in high school. He really inspired me to look at that as a career. I was very fortunate I got I knew what I wanted to do sports medicine orthopedic surgery from the time I was a junior in high school.

I’m married my wife Cassie is here and just sending the pictures of the beautiful waterfront just a few minutes ago. That is one of the main things that attracted to start looking in Florida and we have a soon to be 8-year-old son Isaac. We started we started a search that was really nationwide very focused on Florida because we would end up spending all summer vacations here. Coming down going fishing, spending time on the ocean and through some connections we knew of the Center for Bone and Joint Disease and we knew how well-managed they were. And we got set up through it’s amazing how small the world as we get set up from a friend who knew a friend who knew Deena the practice manager and that started us talking to the phone with the Center for Bone and Joint Disease and we came down on an interview we really knew it was a perfect fit.

If you can meet a patient at one of their worst spots in the life they had a fractured or broken bone that’s one of the most painful moments in their life they oftentimes have a lot of fear about being able to walk or just do daily activities again. To see them go from that state, to get her pain under control with the right surgery to get them through therapy and see them participate doing what they love to do again that gives us a great deal of satisfaction

center-for-bone-and-joint-disease-logoI try to take my patients thru a range of options and I try to start my list with non-operative things and would try to work away up that not get to surgery useless they really need it. My focus on Knees and Shoulders try to get patient inflammation and pain under control, – sometimes an anti-inflammatory medication, sometimes an injection in the shoulder, can accomplish that combined with physical therapy. If that’s helping the problem that’s the goal is to get there without surgery. But that’s not helping the problem and they have a definite tear it’s not going to be fixed by just a shot or physical therapy that’s when you want to talk about surgical options

Sports medicine crosses all ages. will see children who’ve hurt her elbow and gymnastics all the way to the college football player and all in all the way through the husband-and-wife around trying to enjoy game of golf and their shoulders hurting them or knees are hurting them and they’ve got some sometimes small issues that can be treated non-operatively that’s the majority of sports medicine is non-operative treatment.

One of the options we have with people having knee pain often times they have arthritis but another level they need a knee replacement. We would offer them besides just your standard Cortizone shot different levels and types of ejections on one viscosupplementation which is a big word for Gel shot also terms synovial replacement, synovial fluid replacement in the knee. That really gives you a lot of relief without surgery.The other types of injection were offering is PRP. Most people have heard of PRP at this point. We actually take have to draw your blood we spin that down and put your own job growth factors back into your knee to help heal your knee.

My experience so far is a really positive from the Center for Bone and Joint Disease. From the staff that work here, to the patient’s hearing about the reputation the Center for Bone and Joint Disease which is really been earned through the years here. It’s been a pleasant experience getting started meeting people I found the areas has very friendly people and I’ve enjoyed it immensely.

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