Center for Bone and Joint Disease is proud to announce our NEW SPINE CENTER

The Center for Bone and Joint Disease is proud to announce
our CBJD SPINE CENTER with locations in Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties

We offer a multidisciplinary center with innovative non-operative and operative treatments. Our primary goal is to improve each patient’s function and quality of life. Surgery is not recommended for all spinal conditions; it is only recommended when noninvasive measures have been tried and have failed.

Our surgical team offers the highest level of expertise in an array of sophisticated spinal procedures for the treatments of disk problems, stenosis, tumors, fractures, deformity and instability. Our surgeons are highly trained in minimally invasive techniques including microsurgical options such as decompression lumbar laminectomy, microdiscectomy, vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty.

Our Spine Center offers interventional pain management treatments, diagnostic blocks and a full range of treatment options, from spinal consultations and physical therapy to complex surgical reconstruction, minimally invasive surgical procedures, spine stabilization and fusion, and artificial disk replacement.

Conservative treatments include epidural steroid injections, radio frequency ablation and implantation of spine stimulators.

Our spine specialists focus their practice on the care of patients with neck and back problems. Physician office visits, state-of the-art x-rays and MRI imaging, physical therapy, postoperative rehabilitation and follow-up care are all centralized at our
CBJD Spine Center for patient convenience and ease of treatment.

Meet our Spine Specialists:

Craig R. Bennett, MD
Dr. Bennett specializes in general orthopaedic surgery to include joint replacements, hips, knees and shoulders in addition to disorders of the spine.

Christopher A. Reyher, MD
Dr. Reyher specializes in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Dr. Reyher practices interventional physiatry. He specializes in non-operative disorders of the spine and other painful musculoskeletal conditions.

Juan Raposo, MD
Dr. Raposo is fellowship trained in orthopaedic spine and trauma. Dr. Raposo is firmly committed to a patient centered and conservative approach to the treatment of musculoskeletal pathology.

Kirill llalov, MD
Dr. llalov is a fellowship trained orthopaedic spine surgeon. Dr. llalov sees patients with all types of orthopaedic injuries with a special emphasis on spine conditions.

Care Credit Financing available

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