What is Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy?

You just got finished running 13.1 miles. You love running…this is your 10th half marathon. However, at mile 12, you feel a pain on the inside of your knee…a tight pinching kind of pain. You finish out your run, go home, elevate, compress and ice your knee as well as take an aspirin to help subside the pain and inflammation in your slightly swollen knee. Of course, you’re thinking, “I’ll be alright by tomorrow.” Tomorrow … Click HERE for full article

Maintaining Mobility

The importance of maintaining mobility as we age   As we age, there is a possibility of some kind break down in our orthopedic functions. The loss of lean muscle mass and bone mass can be the biggest enemies that impair one’s mobility. One of the biggest goals of adults is to remain healthy and functional. Degenerative joint diseases is widespread, and it predominantly affects older people. This disease affects both men and women, with … Click HERE for full article

Labral Tears

Labral Tears Labral tears can be a source of shoulder pain in anyone, but most often occur in the younger athletic population. They can result from shoulder dislocations or other traumatic pulls to the shoulder, but can also come from degenerative wear. They can also occur from motor vehicle accidents or falls. After an initial evaluation by the orthopedic surgeon and MRI arthrogram may be ordered to visualize a tear if one is present. Sometimes … Click HERE for full article

Back in action five weeks after my second knee replacement!

Mid 50s patient with severe arthritis. His only passion is riding horses and working cattle. He was back on a horse with in five weeks. And now one year later he’s been in several horse shows and racking up ribbons and trophies.   Contact the Center for Bone and Joint Disease to see if you are a candidate for this procedure. Call (727) 697-2200   … Click HERE for full article